The fourth round of permit awards were emailed today for off-campus students, employees and resident students. As the permits were offered, this also re-opened a few waitlists. There are not necessarily permits available for the lots displayed.
For those awarded a permit who already accepted an offer, most exchange requests will not be accommodated as the parking lots and permits are near or at capacity.
Your Parking Account is for you to manage and maintain, where vehicles on your Account are your responsibility. If you do not add yourself to the available waitlist(s) you would not be offered a permit. We are still offering permits, but things are becoming increasingly tight for availability.
You will remain on the waitlist during the semester and contacted based on your priority and placement. All permits are first come first serve. One permit on your Parking Account is allowed. An email will be sent to the address on your Parking Account with the link taking you directly to purchase the permit that is offered. Placing your name on a waitlist does not guarantee that you will be offered a permit.