Parking Services summer updates

Parked electrical cars charging


As the Fall term approaches, Parking Services would like share an update on their recent projects.

New Fall parking rates

As of September 1, 2023, parking rate increases will go into effect.

Parking fees are used to support a number of sustainable transportation initiatives on campus including subsidizing the student U-pass and the faculty and staff ProPASS.

The new monthly permit and short-term rates for each lot can be viewed at Find Parking.

Smart data sensors

In Fall 2022, Parking Services partnered with Frog Parking, a leading company specializing in parking technology solutions, to modernize UBC Okanagan parking lots and better understand and optimize lot usage.

As a pilot program, 450 outdoor occupancy sensors were installed in October 2022 in stalls throughout lots E, F and the short-term parking areas near the UNC and Gym. The sensors—specifically designed for busy outside parking lots and suitable for Kelowna’s winters—have provided Parking Services with real-time data on how often stalls were used, for how long and whether lots were at capacity.

“This is incredibly important because it really tells us exactly how the lots are being used, and gives us the ability to forecast supply-and-demand for paid permits more effectively,” says Jeff Joyce, Manager of Parking Services. “Our ultimate goal is to be able to offer permits to a larger number of individuals and provide parking to a greater number of people.”

Following the successful pilot, approximately 2,200 sensors are being installed in all paved parking lots throughout the month of August. Parking Services will use the ongoing data to inform decisions for future improvements, including offering permit sales to more users, carpooling validation and improved enforcement. For drivers, an end-to-end app is in development that would display live parking availability and facilitate carpooling among UBC students, faculty and staff.

“This initial rollout marks an exciting chapter in the university’s journey towards a more efficient and user-centric parking system,” says Joyce. “By leveraging the latest parking technology, we can optimize our current parking footprint on campus”.

Additional Enhancements

A number of parking lot improvements have taken place over recent months:

  • F Lot: 12 stalls were relocated to create a drive aisle at the end of two rows to enhance driver safety.
  • G Lot: Updated electric vehicle (EV) chargers have been added.
  • UNC Short Term and F Lot: New parking signs with directional arrows have been installed to help differentiate between short-term and regular F lot parking. Orange painted lines have also been added to delineate the short-term UNC stalls.
  • I Lot: H Lot Overflow has been redesignated as I Lot, and has had significant improvements over the summer including the addition of 75 stalls, new safety signage, addition of crush gravel and regrading, and a new pricing model that is the lowest parking rates on campus.
  • Line Painting, Crack Sealing and Curb Repair: Line painting, asphalt crack sealing and curb repairs have taken place in F lot, B Lot and all resident parking lots on campus.